Robert Glenn
Occasionally, some lanterns will glow a certain color related to what power-up is contained within. Upon the opening of the lantern (by teleporting to it), the person who did so gets a temporary power boost, like a small damage bonus, a bit of healing, knowing the location of the nearest enemy, gaining invincibility for 3 seconds, resetting cooldowns, ect, only lasting for a short while. Power-ups will only start appearing either at the 1 minute mark of sabotage, or when a team has reached over 18 on deathmatch. Power-ups will automatically spawn regardless of time if in sabotage a team is beating the other by at least 3 points. Every 30 seconds there is a 75% chance for a lantern out of current teleport range of the players to become charged with a power-up.
It sounds decent but more of a gimmick i feel like players would all just find one sit there and then if a full team did so they would charge in with buffs and destroy the other team